Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Adventures!

I got up in a bad mood this morning. I decided to praise God for all the things that were working instead of those that aren't. I was in the middle of my praises and my thoughts, hadn't gotten to these pictures yet, when the doorbell rang.

One thing I'm thankful for is whole milk that we get from a neighbor two doors down.
I'm thankful for the heaters that we do have. This is a makeshift propane heater that helps a lot in the kitchen.
I'm very thankful for water in the cistern that we can bring in, in buckets to use in our kitchen, and we have OPEN DRAINS so we don't have to carry it out again.
At the gate was a stranger who knew the language of churchgoers, here from Uzbekistan. He said that he needed help on a train ticket to Russia and wanted to get warmed up after spending the night in an appartment stairwell.

We gave him breakfast. He asked for a razor and wiped his clothes off so that they would look cleaner. After a lot of discussion, Dave went to take him 25 miles to Voznosensk to the train station. He said the trains left on uneven days. He said tomorrow was his birthday. When it came down to it, he had no passport so he couldn't go to Russia.

Dave left with him, planning to be back in time for Sunday lunch, the children's service and evening service.

No more than fifteen minutes after he left, the doorbell rang again. A gypsy lady was there asking for food, then particularly flour, gloves and old shoes. Allona gave her some stuff and ignored her further requests.

About noon, I was expecting to find Dave a few miles away on his way back. Instead I got a phone call that the van had broken down.

He found a mechanic that would look at it. He had to get a tow by standing by the highway with a cable. He spent all afternoon until the evening without finding out the problem with the van.

So we have one more thing that doesn't work!!

But I'm thankful anyhow that we're safe and warm. I'm thankful that we have good health. I'm thankful that God is on the throne and knows what He is doing!