Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kenyazachee Construction

Another VBS in a small town close to Kyiv, with the name of Kenyazachee. The theme is the same, building a solid life on Jesus, obeying God's Word. We "camped out" in our house in Osikova. Because the propane tank was empty, we enjoyed food cooked over a campfire several times.

Here's the older group building their toolboxes.

The smaller children were in a relay filling a cup, spoonful at a time. It was a bad choice. They didn't have the patience.

Katrina got really tickled trying to keep up with this catchy song in Russian, "Here's the Sea." It's a little like the House that Jack Built in adding detail after detail.

The smaller guys are trying to build their tower of cups.

Here's a better picture of one of the yarn spider webs.

Building turned out to be a lot more challenging than any of the children thought.