Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday--the day off

After several mini-crises since I've returned to Ukraine, I was ready for Monday. Yesterday we used our time to do research for youth camp. First we checked out the local ferry for the river that runs behind our house. "It's being repaired." the operator told us, "and will be for at least a month." Translation probably the ferry won't be working for at least another two or three months. That means to go across the river behind us we have to travel at least 25 miles either north or south to cross on a bridge. No go.

On the map located a lake that was supposed to be near us and also have a forest nearby. We passed brilliant poppy fields on the way and stopped for a picture.

We found the village and a sports complex on the beautiful lake but no place for camping. We asked a local how to get to the other side of the lake and he told us. We followed a rough worn trail around the lake, across the dam to the other side.

We picked up an older woman who was walking across the dam. She wore an old housedress. Her face showed the marks of alcoholism. We didn't turn off the music that was playing. I held my breath wondering what kind of questions English words would bring up. I started to pull out my camera to take a picture of the lake but quickly put it back. Here's what Faith caught on her camera.

She told us that side of the lake was still in the Nova Odessa region. There were ample spots in which to camp. The scenery was beautiful. Dave and I were not sneezing our heads off from allergies--another plus.

We came back home on another road and discovered that this lake is only about 30 kilometers from home. Perfect!! If we can just have permission from the local forester to camp near there.

After a couple more errands, Dave and I headed for Nikolaev. This was the first time out we've had since before I went to the US about a month ago. We didn't do much besides eat and talk but we both thoroughly enjoyed the time.

When we got back home we waited for our family to regroup. When we were all together again, we sat down to figure out a Nancy Drew mystery game on the computer. Faith rescued us and figured out the combination for the grandfather clock to get the glass eye out of it! We went until we were stuck again, had devotions and went to bed. All in all, a very good day.


Diane said...

The poppys made for a nice picture! Enjoyed reading about your day.

Sharlyn said...

Hi, Twila! I am horrible about not leaving comments on blogs. Just wanted to let you know that I look forward to you Mnoga Monday lists. What a neat idea. It reminds me of a little book a friend gave me "10,000 Things to be Happy About." We really are so blessed.

Rex and Missy McDowell said...

Thanks for sharing a life in the day of a missionary. It was very interesting and insightful. Hope everything works out for your camping trip.