Monday, June 16, 2008

Mnogo Monday

It's actually early Tuesday morning so please forgive me if things don't come out straight but I'm not sure I'll have a chance to get back to this tomorrow. Here are just a handful of things I'm thankful for that begin with "f."

1. Family--if you've noticed, I haven't been naming many people in my other Mondays. I didn't want to leave someone out. But I'm very thankful for my family. Often, growing up, I would compare my family members to members of other families and think, "What if it were possible to trade?" Over and over again, I've come to the same conclusion, I wouldn't trade MY family for the world.
2. Friends--just about as close as family, standing in to be a sounding board and letting us know that they care.
3. Fellowship--in this busy, busy day, blogging has opened up a whole new world of finding out what is going on in friends' lives, which I highly value.
4. Fridge--yep, soon I get to try it again, cook for a small crowd, with just a cooler or two for refrigeration. That makes me really, really thankful for the fridge at home.
5. Freedom--probably not as often as I should, I think of those who lie down on dirty floors or cots in crowded prison cells because they were brave enough to proclaim the name of Christ. I'm want to use this precious gift for God's glory.


coffeechica said...

hi! thanks for the note. It is cool to find your blog now :) have a good weekend!