Monday, March 3, 2008

Fun Visit

The time was short but we did what we could to show our visitors Ukraine as it is now. We took them to a nice food court under the central square of Kyiv that we couldn't have imagined when we came in 1995 or when Andy left in 1999.
They used public transport to go to our local bazaar. We invited old friends of Kirk's in to play basketball and table tennis one evening. Seth, Kirk and Vova made pizza.

They did a lot of playing ping pong and chin-ups at home. They even tried doing chin-ups when a smaller person was on their back.
We took them to our favorite spot on the Black Sea. The tide was higher than it normally is when we're there. The fellows scrambled over the cliffs and jumped off the rocks into the sand. Each one had to jump farther than the last. Kirk, as big brother, had to show Seth and Vova that he could do better, fell down almost flat on his face in the incoming waves. We found bigger conch shells than we normally see. On the way home they looked for candy bars and Tarkhun--the herbal soda, to take home with them. We stopped to let Christine try more Ukrainian food.
Our regular services were held on Thursday and Sunday. God helped in them.
Monday they started the long journey back, the first leg by Ukrainian train. We met the them after a subway ride in Kyiv. Andy turned in some schoolwork online. We picked up some last minute items for their suitcases and took them to the airport. The visit was over.