Saturday, July 5, 2008

In an Old Apricot Orchard

We didn't pay any attention to what kind of trees were by the beautiful lake. We simply took the first load of people and tents there, showed them where the tents should be and left after the next load. The first day was pretty much confusion as we all tried to get our bearings. The meals weren't on time. The services happened when we could squeeze them in. We tried to match tent mates who had come for a long time with people who were new and hardly said a word. . . but they wanted to be with their good friends. Confusion. About the second day people began to bring out handfuls of apricots. The trees who sheltered our tents formed an apricot orchard.

Twenty-six campers came to spend time with us. Our theme was "breaking the trail." The TLC team heard about the theme as they travelled down from Kyiv. They took the idea and made it fly. ("Samson" is being bound with new reeds.)

Judean Presley told animated Bible stories in the morning service that vividly illustrated the different ideas: getting supplies--obtaining renewal spiritual strength, putting down tent stakes--forming godly boundaries in our lives, following a reliable guide--being careful what influences our lives and how we influence others, dangers on the trail--dangers on our spiritual journey and counting the cost--making the choice whether the trip was worth it. Hayli and Stephanie took over the object lessons and made them come alive. . . as tents dramatically fell with the wind because someone in a hurry hadn't put the stakes in the ground. Courtney, Raelynn and Tiffany worked with Faith, Seth and Katrina to bond with each of three teams, listen to memory verses, learn songs and practice Bible story skits.

(This picture is from a sermon/story about "Billy, the bad banana who refused to obey and hung out in the dark jungle with his friends. Because he disobeyed a gorilla came along and ate him, sucked all the life out of him, just like sin does. Note our elegant pulpit!)

Nathaniel McCasland and Nathan Hunt prepared sermons for the evening service, helped get a hot camp fire going for cooking, did guard duty in the evening and planned activities. Dave was continuously on the road for supplies and fresh drinking water. I answered questions and tried to cook. Most of the time with all the help from the campers and everyone else it went well. But we had one major disaster! Does this look like macaroni salad?

Pastor Ramon and his wife Nadia filled in cracks everywhere. Ramon played the guitar, translated listened to memory verses and helped with the fire. Nadia helped cook, listen to verses, lead singing. The last day she had team devotions with one group.

At least six new children whose lives we have never touched before came to camp from both churched and unchurched homes.

"Kodak moments" were many. I'll try to catch some more of them later. Here are a few.

Hayli, TLC team leader blows bubbles with Pastor Ramon's daughter, Evelina.

This sign shows that this tent is Tanya's and Varduyi's

Several, but not as many as two years ago, cut their feet on shells or trash in lake. Here a cut is being disinfected and bandaged while other campers look on.

No, this firewood isn't large in size but we had to have something to cook with!

She's practicing the special for the evening service, just happens the keyboard is still in the van!

This family came to visit for the day.

This is one of the games the kids played.

But the best part of the story is this.

Ramon and Nadia's son, Valik, had wanted to come to youth camp but he also had the opportunity to go to the Crimea, a famous, beautiful resort area in Ukraine. His tickets were bought for the Crimea. They reconsidered the situation and brought him to youth camp. After one of the services, he came in tears to his parents, "I want to pray." The next service he testified, "I thank God I repented."

Dima A, a young man who has been faithful to come to all the services and tender in spirit has been more and more pulled recently between the way of the world around him and God's way. He prayed for forgiveness. Afterwards he said, "I don't know how to explain how I feel inside. I just feel like I could fly."

Artyom made it to youth camp. We didn't know if he would accept our invitation. He came. Many services, it was visible that God was speaking with him. The last service he prayed. "I've given up so many times. I'm afraid I'll fall." Nathan Hunt told Artyom that he could make it, "I'm counting on you," Nathan said.

Artyom answered, "I'm counting on God."

Little Olya, Tolik and Vova Drummond sought God.

Vova from Mikhailivka, a quiet, sweet kid was one of the first to acknowledge his need.

One lad was pestering a fellow camper before he went to service. After he had prayed and God had dealt with his heart, he came back to apologize.

At last tired and smelling of smoke we made the trip to take the first load to the train station. It was the last day, July the 4th. We, Americans, missed being with our families and friends to watch the fireworks. So on the trip, Dave did a special favor and stopped to pick up some fireworks. When he drove back to camp, he promptly left again to go around the lake away from people and trees to set them off. A few of them lit up the sky celebrating America's freedom and the new freedom and joy in the hearts of those who had repented.
We roasted a few marshmallows after the fireworks and even made a "s'more."
Saturday morning was clean-up, pack-up and taking the children home. We carried the supplies in and made a line at the bathrooms for baths. Nathaniel scrubbed soot off of camping pans. We put supplies up and cleaned. A load of wash was put in the washer. Youth camp was over.

It's Sunday now. Tonight the TLC team will leave to begin their journey home. The children who found God will meet Satan's temptations and life's trials. We will continue to try to minister to them. Pray for each of us, especially that God will keep and shelter the new spiritual babes.


Susette said...

It is so good to read your report of the youth camp and to see all the pictures that you took. Thank you so very much. Makes me wish that I could have been there too. I thank God that He helped.

Beth said...

Thank you so much for the long post about the youth camp and all of the pictures.
Love in Christ
Beth Albertson, Colorado, USA (sister in law of Brenda Stevenson as of this coming Friday)

Jason said...

How encouraging! I'm praying for you and all that were at the youth camp.
Love ya!

Carol said...

Great report of youth camp!I'm Courtney's mom (TLC) and it was great to see the pictures. We just had camp here and it was exhausting, I can't imagine what yours must be! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to God's work.