Friday, August 7, 2009

New Mexico

From California we travelled to Torreon, New Mexico. These beautiful rocks were in the desert in that neck of the woods. It's Vova sitting on top.

I really like quirky, different things. So do most of my children. That's why when I saw someone putting on this pair of socks I couldn't resist the photo.

This slender fellow made my family jump. He was collected dead on the road especially for those who hadn't seen a rattlesnake.

We rested one afternoon.

Then we worked the next day getting ready for Keep Youth Camp. Allona and Vova emptied the shed, checking for traces of little squeaky rodents.
Vova helped Nathanael fix the fence and gather firewood and . . .

One of the youth activities is to see who can climb this mountain across the valley. We are looking at it from 7,100 feet or so. Darwin McCasland holds the record, making it in 15 minutes.