After the retreat, I had lots of extra laundry; sheets from all the beds, what the family had worn that I had been too busy to bother with, tablecloths. On a normal week the city water is turned on, on Friday and off Sunday evening or Monday morning. If I do more than 3-4 loads a day and add any mopping, baths, whatever, we are out of water before it comes on again. Because this has been a holiday season the city water has been on every day and this is the last of last week's laundry hanging up to dry! Thank the Lord for this blessing!
This is our dog, Gabe's water pan. Seth has been adding fresh water every day during this last cold snap. As you can see, there is not much more room for water. We brought this pan into the house so it would thaw enough to get the ice out of it. Our neighbors were planning on walking across the ice-covered river behind our house to go hunting. So after two weeks of weather from 7 degrees to the teens, it was really pleasant to wake up to a thermometer that showed a balmy 29 degrees!!
I suppose it's going all around the bush. BUT a mother in America was enough concerned about what her daughter was getting involved in, in Ukraine, that she was ready to visit a local holiness church to find out what it was all about. If things happened as scheduled, the mother, the father, who rarely attends service and earlier a member of management for collective farming, a sister and her family were supposed to pay a first time visit to a holiness church in their American city. This is the best note of praise for the last!
Wonderful! That is the way God works. He rewards our faithfulness--sometimes not in the specific project we were working on but somewhere else.
The obedience/work is our responsibility. Any results are His.
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