Thursday, April 17, 2008


Bethany Rose (Drummond) Morford tagged me . So

10 years ago I was on furlough in the US, trying to find churches interested in Ukraine.

Today's top five things on my to-do list

  1. Help Allona and Vova get through seven lessons in Switched on Schoolhouse
  2. Go to Nikolaev to turn in registration documents.
  3. Fold laundry, wash a couple more loads, hang it on the line.
  4. Clean my room
  5. Make progress on deputation slideshow

I really enjoy snacking on popcorn.

IF I were a billionaire, I would

  1. Pay off our debts
  2. Build a retreat for couples involved in ministry in the US and in Ukraine.
  3. Finish installing better windows in our house, add showers in both bathrooms, convert the old Ukrainian cottage into a guest residence, put new roofs on our buildings.
  4. Find out what was and wasn't replaced in another missionary break-in recently and replace everything possible; help them with some sort of security system.
  5. Go with my family to the US once a year to keep in touch with our family there.
  6. Support several other missionaries. . . pay expenses for summer teams and work groups

My three worst habits are:

  • leaving cabinet doors open
  • interrupting
  • not paying close enough attention

I have lived in these places

  • Nova Odessa, Ukraine (5 yrs)
  • Kyiv, Ukraine (2 -3 yrs)
  • Middleburg, PA (1 yr)
  • Osikova, Ukraine (4 yrs)
  • Lishnya, Ukraine (1 yr)
  • Independence, KS (6 yrs)
  • Shoals, IN (25 yrs)
  • Cincinnati, OH (4 yrs)

I have worked at these places:

  1. missionary under Holiness Pilgrim Mission
  2. nurse at Geisinger
  3. missionary under Evangelical Bible Mission, English teacher
  4. nurse at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center, KS
  5. typing and layout, manager's assistant at the Religious Press
  6. nurse at Bedford Regional Medical Center, Indiana
  7. nurse at Dunn Memorial Hospital, Bedford, Indiana
  8. Proofreader, odd jobs at Old Paths Tract Society
  9. nurse's assistant at Good Samaritan Hospital, Vincennes, Indiana
  10. peer tutor, Vincennes, Indiana

I would like to know about these people:

  • Sis Hoffman in the Dominican Republic
  • Laura Hausman
  • Tim Calhoun family

PS. Bethany, can you let the Calhouns know they are tagged . . . just in case?